I GOT IN!!!!

That's right! I am officially a Pharmacy student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. My first pick TOO!!!! Now I don't have to move!!! YAY!
I start this fall....my FIRST semester as a Pharmacy student!!!! woooooww!!!! ooooohohhhh!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I've never been so excited. They only accept 40 students PER YEAR!!!!
I'm one of out forty!!! I'm ONE OF OUT FORTY, BABY! yeahhh!!! ahhhH!!!!!
I'm officially the REAAAAAAAAAAAAL "PharmacyChick"!
Ok I'm fine, really...just a little over excited. Yes... time to breathe......

So this is where I will be going to school. I will be taking classes in the Health Science Centre, which is one of our main hospitals here in St. John's. Nursing students and Med Students also take their classes here. It's pretty neat if you ask me!
Orientation will be held on September 5th, 2006. And during my first few weeks of classes I have a lot to look forward to. I will get all kinds of FREE DRUGS!!! That's right, I'll never have to buy another bottle of multi-vitamins, Advil, or Cold medication again! And all these Pharmacy companies will try to snag me to sign contracts with them! And I'll get "professional student" rates, and all kinds of other perks. Not to mention the job opportunities that will await me after I finish.
So anyway, I guess genetic research is out. This means that you men are spared yet again. Well, at least for a little while. hahah. Maybe I'll just create a drug which naturally castrates you all. Well, not all. Just the ninety percentile asshole-ish ones. maawahhahahahah!
She's going to take pills from a big bottle and put them in a little bottle.
You forgot the part about getting paid lots and lots of money to do this...
And You forgot about the part when you're going to take some of that money and fly me out to Newfyville to visit you, hehehe.
Congrats Cousin
I'm extremely proud of you!!!!
From hanging out in Gramma's backyard and playing at the "Swing Park" to Pharmacy Godess
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