Superman is HOT
Ok so,
I just got back from Superman Returns. What an awesome movie!!! I am a huge fan of comic book inspired movies such as Spiderman, but Superman??? Superman was always a favorite.
Even back in the days with Christopher Reeve, I loved Superman.
But now he's back and I'm at an age where I can "appreciate" his hottness.

There is nothing that can be said other than....
There isn't a woman on this planet who will not be drooling through the 2 and 1/2 hour action packed movie. If you aren't a sucker for cute smile and bright blue will either fall for the hot bod in tight spandex, or how he dodges bullets, or saves people's lives OR the fact that he can fly faster than the speed of sound.
I mean, HELLO! He's Superman!!! Everybody LOVES Superman!
How can you not find this hot? All I can say is that Louis Lane was one lucky chick.
OK OK OK, so it's not real. There is no "real" Superman. But there is a real Brandon who still looks damn good in that cape, regardless of whether he can really fly or not.
And in all honesty, I'm usually not one to drool over celebrities. I can only think of one other dude that I think is majorly hot, Jake Gyllenhaal. Other than that, I don't really find many celebrity men attractive. In fact, I'm not one of those people who really follows celebrity news. I never bother to watch all those information shows or read the tabloids and magazines. I just could care less. But then SUPERMAN comes along and I can't help but to comment!
My opinion? Two thumbs up. I recommend this movie to anyone young and old, and not just because Superman is hot. It was full of action and great special effects. The movie does not feel like 2 and 1/2 hours, not even close! It was absolutely fantastic and I would go back to see it again and again...
Oh yeah...again and again and again and again.
I wish I had a cape.
Me too, then you could fly to Newfoundland and visit me!
If you're lucky! haha
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