If my Dog were a Human...

He loves food. His favorites include pizza, ice cream, Tim Horton's timbits, peanut butter toast, and cheezees. If he were human, Oreo would be very fat.
He loves his toys. He has hundreds of them and knows each one by name. But his favorite toy is the one Danielle and I bought him a few Christmas' ago. "STAR". If Oreo were human, he probably wouldn't share much. He tends to keep his toys to himself.
This is Kevin, my Dad, and Oreo. Oreo loves to hug. He will hug you even when you are feeling down. He tries to cheer you up when you are sad or crying. Or sometimes he just gets "sucky" and wants to cuddle just because. He is a very sensitive dog. If he were human, he'd be the kind of guy who would provide a shoulder to lean on, and wipe away your tears. He would be the kind of person who would listen to all your problems just so you could vent out all your fustrations. He wouldn't judge or comment...he would just hug you instead.
This is Oreo and Kevin's golf stuff. He LOVES golf balls. Kevin has to hide them away because otherwise, Oreo will eat them all. If Oreo were human, he would probably play golf with Kevin a lot. He would probably do pretty much whatever Kevin did.
If Oreo was a human, he would most likely have no trouble with the ladies. He already prefers women to men as a dog, but if he were a human I think this trait would be be magnified substantially. He is a cute dog, so most likely he would be a cute human. He would probably be one of those cute guys with all the good looking girls as friends. I don't think he would be a player though. He's way too loyal for that kinda stuff. He'd find one chick that he really cared about and stick with her.
Oreo loves to play. If you won't play with him, he will just play by himself. If he were human, Oreo would be very independent. He would entertain himself whenever no one was paying attention to him or had no time to hang out. He sometimes prefers to be alone. So I guess he would kinda be a loner at times. Although this isn't always a bad thing. People who constantly need to be around other people are just plain "needy". Oreo isn't like that at all. He likes to balance social life with time for himself. In fact, I think he would be one of those guys who go to the salon or spa every so often. He already goes to the Doggie Spa, and he seems to really enjoy it. I don't think he would have a problem with his masculinity and would probably attend the spa with some of those good looking girls as friends.
Oreo and Danielle. Oreo loves to walk and run. Whenever you leave the house, Oreo wants to go. If you say 'walk', Oreo leaps up in hope that it means he gets to go too. When he is on a walk, he loves to check everything out. He is very aware of his surroundings. He would be the kind of guy who never misses a detail. He always wags his tail a lot too, which indicates that he really enjoys when he's on a walk or run. I think if Oreo were a human, he would be a marathon runner or something like that. This would probably help combat the body fat he would gain from his love for food. Plus, if he were a human, he wouldn't have to wait for someone else to walk him. He would just go whenever he felt like it when means he'd probably go several times a day. So maybe he would be a little more lean overall.
And that would be Oreo, if he were a human. Isn't he cute?!?!?!?
Cats are better.
Oreo is my most favorite fur nephew! He even knows where we keep treats at our house and as sonn as he comes in the door, he makes a bee line for the cupboard and starts to point. Uncle Bruce has really come to love him and spoils him rotten when he is over.
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