WARNING: Contents way be disturbing to some readers.
Ok this post is curtousy of my sister, Danielle. I had to post this because I nearly peed myself laughing after reading it....
Hope you enjoy
P.S. This content is rated 18A.
Danielle Ryder states:
"Title: Read the FINE FUCKING PRINT!!!! Current mood: pissed off!
So the other day I was in the library trying to catch up on a bit of studying. I walk into the SILENT AREA and take a seat in one of those lil booths. To my right I see a bunch of lil punk ass first years sitting there flirting and talking and giggling like a bunch dogs in heat. Not far was about 4 signs saying "NO TALKING, NO WHISPERING, NO CELLPHONES" and I thought, what is so FUCKING HARD about reading the FUCKING SIGNS and FUCKING FOLLOWING THEM. *deep breath*
Seriously though, less than 3 feet from these assholes was a door where they could have exited and sat down. They could have continued their useless loud existence there and it wouldn't have bothered me or anyone else in the silent area. So I got up and moved down about 5 meters or so. I was definitely out of ear shot and home free right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK NO. I just HAD to sit by another fucking group of MORONS. This time they were just talking, as if they were at the mall. I can't study something as boring as Learning while being distracted.
So what is the fucking problem? It's not like these people are in their high school library wasting time or something. They are in university. Most likely paying for whatever classes they could get into by fucking the prof. The whole "school sucks" attitude just doesn't work anymore. Their mommy's aren't pushing them out the door with their lunchbox telling them to make friends. So again, I ask...what is the problem?
Maybe it's a rebellious thing? Maybe they just HAVE to disregard whatever rules they can find so that they can be cool or something. I don't know. But what I do know is this. There are either a lot of illiterate people in our school or there are just a bunch of people I need to kill. The first theory seems probable. Not just because they 'cant' read the signs but maybe they were just trying to avoid the attempt at reading their textbooks right? Fucking Profs doesn't take any reading or writing skills. So hey, it's possible. But on the latter theory, after observing these fucktards, I have to say it's quite possible they're just fucking assholes who should be curbstomped.
And for those of you who are wondering "why didn't you just ask them to shut up gawd"...I'll tell you why.
Firstly if I did it would make me a hypocrite. I would be talking in the silent room and depending on the outcome of my request, I would be making a lot of noise beating the shit outta everyone; throwing chairs and such.
Secondly, they wouldn't have listened. It doesn't take a psych major to figure that out.
I got up and left in a somewhat hostile mood. So for any of you readers out there who talk in silent areas, just remember, the person who is glaring at you could very well be me.
And there you have it. The typical Grade A rant from Danielle Ryder. Congrats you have been officially rantafied.
I would always duck in my cubicle and let out the loudest "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I could. That shut em up.
Ah yes, I relate. My "trick" was to pretand to pick up a call on my cell phone and in a voice loud enough for them to hear, say "I can't talk now, I'm in a quiet zone at the library", then stand up and stare them down. It kinda helped that I'm an old geezer compared to most students too........hmmmmmm, I wonder if they thought it was OK to talk loud 'cause I am a geezer, maybe they thought my hearing was going.
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