The Official "Pharmacy Chick"
So school is back already. Time just flies when you are having fun. I tried so hard to make the last week before classes go as slow as possible...but I found myself enjoying the that kinda defeated my theory of, "be bored so that the time passes more slowly." Well, that's alright. I was pretty excited to get this semester going. My first semester as a pharmacy student has already been very intimidating and yet at the same time, thrilling. This past week I have made more friends in one sitting than I imagined possible. Being part of the Pharmacy School is like being part of an elite club. We have our own mixers and events, and our own section of the hospital - Pharmacy students ONLY! And even if you see someone and can't remember their name, they'll smile, wave or stop to chat it matter where you find yourself. This is a very different experience than my previous semesters at MUN. Yes, I've made friends...but random people I only recognize from my class would never wave or stop to chat JUST because we are in the same class. The school is already planning their first conference which will be held in November. It is going to be held in Halifax and it is supposed to allow MUN and Dalhousie Pharmacy students to network and get to know each other, which is pretty cool. I would love to go but the cost is too high and deadlines are only a week away. Plus, next year the same thing will be held here in St. John's, so I will surely get involed in that. Oh and another bonus? Our school is located in the same end of the hospital as the Medical Students. AKA: HOT interns and doctors. Who knew doctors could be that hot?
I already have one class that I know is going to be very challenging - Pharmaceutics. But I am not fearful since I am one of the lucky ones who only have 4 courses this semester, verses the normal load of 7. Plus, I already know quite a bit Anatomy and Physiology so I do not think I will struggle with that course. And the other 2 courses relate mostly to pharmaceutical calculations and public speaking, with the addition of the history of Pharmacy. This composes two courses alone. So there you have my 4 courses. It's going to be a fun semester!!!
So I have already enjoyed some of the many perks to being a Pharmacy Student. The most important being all the FREE stuff! I've already gotten a goodie bag full of free drugs and gift certificates to Pharmacies for more free drugs. I came to realize how much I appreciated this perk the other day when I was nearly dying of menstrual cramps and couldn't bring myself to run out and grab a bottle of Ibprofen. THEN realized I had a free bottle of Advil Liquid-Gels sitting in my room that I had completely forgotten about. Hello! Before now, the chances of finding Advil in our apartment was as likely as winning the Lotto649 jackpot. Now? It's reality. I want to go and purchase a lotto ticket, I mean, you NEVER do know!
So what else is different? Hmmmm...the profs. They are professional. No more small time BS anymore because these people are down, dirty and serious. There is no room for immaturity, unprofessional behavior or incompetence. They exuberate "Pharmacy" in every breath. They are passionate about it and when they speak, it reminds you of that this isn't a distant fantasy anymore. My Pharmaceutics Prof is actually from the U of Alberta, so I think if I ever need help that I will have no trouble getting on his good side hahahhaa! "Oh, do you miss the Rockies? Yes I lived in Calgary, what do you think of Newfoundland? Oh how nice sir..."
Yah call me a butt kisser but hey, you gotta know how to play the game in order to win.
Well, I am off to go read and try and get a handle on the Pharmaceutics stuff since today's class totally went in one ear and out the next. Back to class at 1pm for a little quiz and then I believe I am home again for the weekend!!!
Going to the mixer tonight and I'm hoping that Danielle will come with for a few hours. Should be a good time.
I will leave you all with a few pictures from this summers vacation, since I did not get the chance to do so in my last post. Enjoy and behold the wonders of Newfoundland...hahaha. Oh and Whipper too...

stay away from the surgeons!
Hey, I recognize that boney knee beside Whipper!
Oh, and free drugs........BONUS!
PS: Uncle Bruce and I are VERY proud of you!
Okay so here comes the excitement. Yeah, just because he might be a doctor doesn't mean he is good enough for MY DAUGHTER! ha ha
Congrats kid.... LOVE YA !
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