Another one bites the dust...

And another semester has come to a close - my last final exam was yesterday. It never ceases to amaze me how fast time can fly. It can be a good thing at times, and sometimes it makes you realize how much you really need to stop and appreciate what's around you, because next thing you know it will be gone again.
I know one thing. I love school. Yah sure, call me a geek. I don't care. But I really love it. I'm soooo stoked about starting Pharmacy this fall and I feel like things are really coming together for me. It's finally happening. Knowing that your hard work is all paying off is a very gratifying feeling. I just recently was told that I would be accepting a scholarship. On behalf of the recommendation of the School of Pharmacy, I will win one of two scholarhips offered to entering first year students from a Canadian Pharmaceutical company -based on acedemic standing. I will be acknowledged of this award on September 14th, during the Pharmacy Scholarship and Awards Night. I am so insanely excited. This scholarship is very unexpected and to receive this kind of award is really an honor.
Whipper is extremely happy that we are done finals too. She has been begging for attention the last few days and huffs a big sigh or does this cute little whiney growl sound when she sees us looking at papers. She has even tried to inturrupt me by sitting on them and sitting on my lap and putting her head down on the papers that I am trying to read. She seems to be much happier now that they've been thrown out!
Speaking of time flying, my parents were expected to arrive this morning. Their flight has been delayed due to fog and they were diverted back to Halifax. They will hopefully be arriving in a few hours. It has been a long awaited visit, and yet I can't believe that in only a few short hours they will be on Newfie soil! It's gonna be a great holiday with lots of events planned. I am mostly looking forward to a few days out in the log cabin and possibly getting to play golf, for the first time on a course, at TerraNova Park! I will have to try very hard to make Kevin proud, hahahaha.
And since there has been another addition to our family, Whipper, this vacation will be filled with lots of giggles, laughs and "awes". She is just so cute. I still can't believe that we have a dog. She is just the best.
Just as the time as flown by to bring me to this point, I realize that the next few weeks will also zoom. So I have decided to make a conscious effort to stop every so often and appreciate the moments we are about to share. I want this vacation is last as long as it can...and once it's over I hope to retain many great memories.
We have much to celebrate. My acceptance into Pharmacy and award/scholarship, Danielle's acceptance into the Psychology Honours Degree Programme in only her third year of study, and the addition of Whipper.
Newfoundland is certainly serving our family well.
Veg, Relax, Soak it all in honey........with all the hard work, you deserve it!
you smarty pants! i think that grandma would be so proud of us all!
Very proud of both of your accomplishments...but mostly of what great girls you are!
I think Grandma would be very proud of her Grandchildren...indeed! Well, she always was wasn't she!
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