Stepping Stones
So you know the old saying...stepping stones lead the way to the ultimate destination.
And so, we are usually advised to lay down stepping stones along our journey through life.
But I have to raise the question as to what we are laying down as our stepping stones?
For some is it educational experience, for others job experience, or maybe it is just experience.
But for others, it is people.
And this is never good. Whether it be friends who they later betray, or women/men they use and is not good.
This is very selfish behavior. And although one might believe that they are trying to better themselves, really they are burning others in the process. The bridges melt and fade away.
And so I must share my advice to those who are in the pursuit of laying down others as their stepping stones...
Remember...if you do not place them properly and care for them in the manner that you should, they can crack. And on your way to your destination, walking over your steps, you never know which one will crack that will send you falling down, down, down.
If I am your stepping stone, rest assured that I will do my best to crack at the very precise moment you step on me, so that I will send you hurling down off your high horse, off your cloud nine, and back into reality... back to the dust.
Sleep tight.

HA! are you in need of some midol?
you should never medicate ALL your feelings
When She-Ra is in the's serious!
By the power of Greystone, I am SHE-RA!
Awww yes, when you see SHE-RA, it's serious!
haha, yes She-Ra rocks. muh ahahahaha.
I always loved her sense of justice.
Indeed, you can't medicate all your feelings. huh, better alert the psychiatrists lol
you also better alert the psychologists because they'll be out of a job if all we did was dish out the druggies to solve everyones problems. lol
*giggles like an annoying school girl who neeeds to slapped*
Well I can see me being very lucky with a Clinical Psycholgist/Psychiatrist and a Pharmacist in the family... wholly! La la la la...isn't it great!
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