Monkey Dance!

HOLY crap, I have never been soooo anxious to be able to NOT study. I mean, this semester has been awesome and I'm enjoying what I'm learning but I think its the fact that it is my 7th consecutive semester IN A ROW with NO summers off that is driving me absolutely BONKERS! I have one more semester after this before I can actually work again...and real work. None of this 6 dollar an hour crap...No siree! This will be working in a pharmacy making a half decent salary as a pharmacy student, well that is after our "unpaid" workterm. But STILL!! NO BOOKS!!!
*angelic music begins to play*
Yes, that's right...a summer where I do not get to study! WOOT WOOT!
I can come home from a day's work and go to the gym....because I don't have to study or do homework. OR I can come home and watch tv, because I won't have to study or do homework. OR I can come home and take my time cooking a decent meal because I won't have to study or do homework. OR I can come home and go out with friends, or go to the mall, or sit on my ass and watch paint won't matter because I'll have the TIME!!!
So back to Christmas. Yeah, this will be our last Christmas in Calgary and I know mom's gonna go all nuts and crazy with making it super amazingly special so it deserves some major hype.
I'm planning on eating ginger beef for a few days straight (for breakfast, lunch and supper) but don't worry, I won't gain a pound because I plan on working out on mom's new Precor elliptical for a few hours a day. bahahhaa
Plus I will be walking Oreo, as per usual. Oreo loves his walks.
I love being able to go home, have some of mom's amazing cooked meals, putting up the tree, and playing christmas music until the sound sickens me. I even enjoy the SMELLS! It never ceases to amaze me how smell can be associated with memory, and how the simple smell of a home can make you feel back at home.
I enjoy the long rides commuting to and from the home for whatever reason, seeing how much New Brighton has YET AGAIN grown, and going back to familiar places that bring back memories.
Christmas Eve is always a great celebration. But mom pretty much covered that in her blog.
I also look forward to the sun. The sun you might think? Yes. St. John's is one of the cloudiest cities in Canada and personally, I need a good dose of sun now and again. Although Calgary may get extremely cold at times, it does provide sufficient amounts of sunshine to keep your mood elevated.
December 13th is my last final exam. Then I have a few days to get Whipper situated with her babysitters and pack for the big trip.
I can't wait for that day. OH yes, I'll be dancin like a monkey!!!
Can't wait!!!! YAY! Monkey Dance!
On that note, I will be 25 in 2 days and I just want to add that I am exactly 1/4 of a century old. And given that the average life expectancy for females is approximately 75 years, I have already lived 1/3rd of my life and I only have 2/3rds of it left to live. Kinda depressing but it's neat to see it put in perspective.
not studying
...I think I'll have a seizure from influx of happiness..
hang in there! It is actually only 1 day till your birthday...then...26 days and you will be here.... YIPPPPEEEEEE
Can't wait to see my two favorite chicks!
We will have to schedule the elliptical.... mmmmm haha
i definately want to see some posted photos of that monkey dance
Aww another comment about the sun...
I think NFLD has had better weather this year than Calgary... cause we have had a lot of clouds and fog and rain and's -18 as a HIGH... Sunday/Monday???? -25 as a High... yeah..not good...
I like sun!!!
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