Time for another RANT!

Why are people so judgmental? Why is it a fundamental human principle to hate what is not familiar or not the norm? The human capacity to judge, segregate and kill their own kind for the sake of normality and personal belief runs ramped throughout the world. And we sit here in our westernized safe cocoon and shake our heads at the rest of the world saying, "How horrible!" In Canada, we claim to be "multi-cultural" and we preach to everyone else about how to accept others differences. But this shouldn't just end in the name of culture.
Yet in our own country we have our norms, our societal standards, laws and regulations that keep us in line and, for the most part, I do not disagree with these boundaries. However, there is a line that needs to be drawn. Given that we live in a country which ALSO prides itself in individualism and freedom of choice, I need to ask why people so quick to scorn the person who stereotypes a certain culture but then has the ability to turn around and quickly judge someone else for the personal choices they make regarding their OWN life? How the heck does this affect you? It's not YOUR life!!! It's theirs! And here's the part that just makes me want to kick them twice as hard in the ass...
Try to pass judgment on their life and what THEY do. Oh my GOD. Shit won't just hit the ONE fan, ok?
So why on earth am I bringing this up? What has me so infuriated that I will take the time out to sign into my blog and take precious time from my studying to write this long-winded rant?
One thing that people always judge me on is my choice to not have children. I dare not utter the words anywhere outside of my apartment walls because a slap in the face of verbal judgment will find me. I'm sorry but why is it such a PROBLEM with so many people to choose to not have children? It doesn't make me selfish. It doesn't make me cold. It doesn't make me immature.
Lots of people DON'T like dogs, but I do. Do I go around saying, "WHAT is wrong with you? Puppies are so cute! They love you and keep you company! What kind of person doesn't want a dog?" NO I don't, because I respect the fact that some people just don't want a dog! Why does this NOT apply to kids?
There are lots of people who want kids, so it's not as if my refraining from the act will, in some way, endanger the population of the human race. There are LOTS of children out there who are unwanted by their parents, who can't find homes, who are neglected, abused and the list goes on. People will stand there and say, "How could they? What kind of parent does that?" BUT THEN the same person will turn to me and say, "What is wrong with you for not wanting kids? It is your DUTY as a WOMAN to give birth!!!!"
HELLOOOOO PEOPLE!!! Don't you get it?
Those parents who abuse, neglect and hate their children PROBABLY were people like me!!!! They did NOT want them but were still EXPECTED to have them. Now look at the result!?!??!
Does anyone else NOT see this? I feel like I'm taking CRAZY PILLS!!!!!!!
I mean, seriously? SERIOUSLY?!??!
Yet in our own country we have our norms, our societal standards, laws and regulations that keep us in line and, for the most part, I do not disagree with these boundaries. However, there is a line that needs to be drawn. Given that we live in a country which ALSO prides itself in individualism and freedom of choice, I need to ask why people so quick to scorn the person who stereotypes a certain culture but then has the ability to turn around and quickly judge someone else for the personal choices they make regarding their OWN life? How the heck does this affect you? It's not YOUR life!!! It's theirs! And here's the part that just makes me want to kick them twice as hard in the ass...
Try to pass judgment on their life and what THEY do. Oh my GOD. Shit won't just hit the ONE fan, ok?
So why on earth am I bringing this up? What has me so infuriated that I will take the time out to sign into my blog and take precious time from my studying to write this long-winded rant?
One thing that people always judge me on is my choice to not have children. I dare not utter the words anywhere outside of my apartment walls because a slap in the face of verbal judgment will find me. I'm sorry but why is it such a PROBLEM with so many people to choose to not have children? It doesn't make me selfish. It doesn't make me cold. It doesn't make me immature.
Lots of people DON'T like dogs, but I do. Do I go around saying, "WHAT is wrong with you? Puppies are so cute! They love you and keep you company! What kind of person doesn't want a dog?" NO I don't, because I respect the fact that some people just don't want a dog! Why does this NOT apply to kids?
There are lots of people who want kids, so it's not as if my refraining from the act will, in some way, endanger the population of the human race. There are LOTS of children out there who are unwanted by their parents, who can't find homes, who are neglected, abused and the list goes on. People will stand there and say, "How could they? What kind of parent does that?" BUT THEN the same person will turn to me and say, "What is wrong with you for not wanting kids? It is your DUTY as a WOMAN to give birth!!!!"
HELLOOOOO PEOPLE!!! Don't you get it?
Those parents who abuse, neglect and hate their children PROBABLY were people like me!!!! They did NOT want them but were still EXPECTED to have them. Now look at the result!?!??!
Does anyone else NOT see this? I feel like I'm taking CRAZY PILLS!!!!!!!
I mean, seriously? SERIOUSLY?!??!
No, it won't be different if I have my OWN kids. No, it won't be different when I get older. NO it won't change with time!!!! The maternal biological clock does not apply to me.
I also do not judge people who want/have kids. I have friends with kids, family with kids, family who want kids, friends who want kids, etc. I know these people are at peace with their decision because it's what they want. And I respect that. It isn't what I'd want for myself, but I respect the fact that I'm not going to want what everyone else wants and vise versa.
I just wish I could figure out why people cannot learn to disagree without disrespecting.
Everyone has a right to make their own choices for what they feel is right for them within their own lives. I don't believe it is right for someone to try to control another persons decisions or ANY aspect of their life. Stick to your OWN life, which I'm sure is fucked up enough. Go work on how to fix that and stop trying to fix EVERYONE else because, in case you haven't noticed? IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!
Phewf. I feel better. Back to Anatomy.
I just wish I could figure out why people cannot learn to disagree without disrespecting.
Everyone has a right to make their own choices for what they feel is right for them within their own lives. I don't believe it is right for someone to try to control another persons decisions or ANY aspect of their life. Stick to your OWN life, which I'm sure is fucked up enough. Go work on how to fix that and stop trying to fix EVERYONE else because, in case you haven't noticed? IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!
Phewf. I feel better. Back to Anatomy.
Robyn, we respect your decision and it doesn't make you a bad person or a selfish person. I think it has to do with CHILDHOOD memories.
We'll just have to get more dogs....to add to the family! haha
are you kidding me? do you know how free you are without kids? we have loved life until now - travelling, spending what little money we have and just plain ole' loving each other.
booooooo down with kids.
hahahahahahaha booooooooooooooooo
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