Sunday, October 29, 2006

Random Post to Please the Masses

My blog has been lacking....blogs.
I figured I should write something, seeing as I'm trying my best to procrastinate from going back to studying Pharmaceutics...icky.

So how's school...well glad you asked. It's grand. It's been a steady stream of reading, quizzes, assignments, labs and midterms, but I'm getting through it. It makes a difference when you are actually interested in what you are learning. In fact, it was just last week that I got to pick and prod at a dead body and many body parts learning all about muscles, my favorite anatomy topic. And with all respect to the dead, our particular male cadaver must have had a boner when he died because HELLO! It was an interesting surprise when they unzipped the bag, to say the least. It was hard not to giggle. We also formulated our first cough syrup and IV injection.

I'm looking forward to Christmas break and for my last official visit to Calgary. Yes, I liked Calgary back in the day but in all honesty I really don't care to go back for the sake of going back. The only reason I go back to Calgary is to see Mom, Kevin and Oreo for Christmas, as well as random family members and friends.
There are very few things I miss about Calgary.
One thing I do miss is the Chinooks, but from the sounds of things I'm having warmer weather than Mom. Oh and Ginger Beef. My prayers are with the Chinese people who finally bring the delicious dish to Nfld. And Lululemon. I plan on buying every item in that store when I visit for Christmas.
So minus those three things, I'm pretty content where I am.

Other than that, it's the same ole regime. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. It just means I've established a very satisfactory equilibrium in my schedule that allows me to enjoy work with play.

That's all the time I can afford today. I must return from whence I came.

May the knowledge compel you to use your imagination and sprout forth from the boundaries of which we fear?

WTF? Meh, don't ask.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

WARNING: Contents way be disturbing to some readers.

Ok this post is curtousy of my sister, Danielle. I had to post this because I nearly peed myself laughing after reading it....
Hope you enjoy
P.S. This content is rated 18A.

Danielle Ryder states:

"Title: Read the FINE FUCKING PRINT!!!! Current mood: pissed off!

So the other day I was in the library trying to catch up on a bit of studying. I walk into the SILENT AREA and take a seat in one of those lil booths. To my right I see a bunch of lil punk ass first years sitting there flirting and talking and giggling like a bunch dogs in heat. Not far was about 4 signs saying "NO TALKING, NO WHISPERING, NO CELLPHONES" and I thought, what is so FUCKING HARD about reading the FUCKING SIGNS and FUCKING FOLLOWING THEM. *deep breath*

Seriously though, less than 3 feet from these assholes was a door where they could have exited and sat down. They could have continued their useless loud existence there and it wouldn't have bothered me or anyone else in the silent area. So I got up and moved down about 5 meters or so. I was definitely out of ear shot and home free right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK NO. I just HAD to sit by another fucking group of MORONS. This time they were just talking, as if they were at the mall. I can't study something as boring as Learning while being distracted.

So what is the fucking problem? It's not like these people are in their high school library wasting time or something. They are in university. Most likely paying for whatever classes they could get into by fucking the prof. The whole "school sucks" attitude just doesn't work anymore. Their mommy's aren't pushing them out the door with their lunchbox telling them to make friends. So again, I ask...what is the problem?

Maybe it's a rebellious thing? Maybe they just HAVE to disregard whatever rules they can find so that they can be cool or something. I don't know. But what I do know is this. There are either a lot of illiterate people in our school or there are just a bunch of people I need to kill. The first theory seems probable. Not just because they 'cant' read the signs but maybe they were just trying to avoid the attempt at reading their textbooks right? Fucking Profs doesn't take any reading or writing skills. So hey, it's possible. But on the latter theory, after observing these fucktards, I have to say it's quite possible they're just fucking assholes who should be curbstomped.

And for those of you who are wondering "why didn't you just ask them to shut up gawd"...I'll tell you why.

Firstly if I did it would make me a hypocrite. I would be talking in the silent room and depending on the outcome of my request, I would be making a lot of noise beating the shit outta everyone; throwing chairs and such.

Secondly, they wouldn't have listened. It doesn't take a psych major to figure that out.

I got up and left in a somewhat hostile mood. So for any of you readers out there who talk in silent areas, just remember, the person who is glaring at you could very well be me.

And there you have it. The typical Grade A rant from Danielle Ryder. Congrats you have been officially rantafied.

Finally a break!!!

Well it's been a while since I've written here, and now that I finally have a moment I shall update you all.

School has been very busy. I really haven't had much time for anything else. In fact, this long weekend is my 'catch-up' weekend...
I've received a lot of free stuff. Drugs, book bag, leather binder, CPS, the list goes on. I mean, you work your butt off to do well and get through all the hard work. It's nice to get little treats for motivation once in a while. I went to the Pharmacy Career Fair last week where I was able to network with many different Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical companies. It was a very interesting experience since there were people there from all across Canada and the States. Most of these people are pharmacists or run a pharmacy so it's great talking to them and getting their perspective on the industry. Textbook references cannot compete with actual experience.

However, I am still taking some time off this weekend because I need it.
I am going to the gym each day, and going for a walk on each day, weather permitting. Whipper will gladly accompany me on these walks. I haven't had much time in the last month to get into shape due to all the additional commitments outside of the classroom, plus the regular errands that you must, cooking, grocery shopping, paying bills and other banking issues, blah blah blah. When it's all said and done, there hasn't been much time for fun or working out.
But now I have a plan! So I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Ok so about this weekend...
Well my Nan was in over night because she was catching a flight today to Calgary. She took my sister and me out to Boston Pizza for a lovely meal. I did up drug goodie bags for her to bring home to everyone, and we watched a couple of movies and vegged out. It was very fun.
But I have to admit, I'm very jealous that she is going to Calgary because Thanksgiving is one of those holidays (like Easter and Christmas) that you just want to spend time with family.
But that's ok. Christmas will be here soon enough!
And I'm not missing out on Turkey sir-eee. My friend from my Pharmacy class, Jamie, and a few of his friends, Danielle and me are all getting together to make Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow!
I am in charge of the turkey....which is a very important job because if I mess it up, then thanksgiving dinner isn't really thanksgiving dinner. I mean if you mess up a potato big deal, just throw on another...or if the pastry doesn't work out big deal! You always have the turkey.
If you mess up the turkey, it's not like you can just go out and buy another one....everything will be closed, not to mention it takes like 3-4 hours to cook, and that's AFTER it's thawed out. So basically the only source of protein we'll have is salt meat and/or McDonald's.
So there is a lot of pressure on my shoulders to make this turkey a good one! Not to mention, I am very sensitive about my cooking. I don't know why but if I cook something that takes a lot of time and effort, I would hope people would just appreciate all the hard work I've put into it and just pretend and tell me it's fantastic. It's honestly the only thing I'd ever want people to ever lie to me about.

Yeah that's right....I will be calling up my mom to get step-by-step instructions. She's an amazing cook and her turkeys are something to pine over. I remember growing up and mom would be cooking. I'd ask, "Mom what are you making?" She'd reply, "I really don't know I'm just throwing stuff together from what's left in the house because I need to get groceries."
Usually my first thoughts were, "you don't know what it is????" But then we'd sit down to eat and it would be the most amazing thing you'd ever tasted. The unfortunate thing was, she would never write down what she put in it so when we would request the "amazing mixture of we don't know" mom would be like...I don't remember how I made that. So, it would a once in a life time taste!

Then there is me.
I've mastered spaghetti, meatloaf, and perhaps a chicken stir-fry. And that's lucky! I tried to make a stew once. It wasn't bad. But I like convenience. And for someone who hates to cook, it's not like I desire to spend all kinds of time in the kitchen trying to figure it out. I mean, I just don't have the time or the patience.

So I guess in all fairness, you need to practice to become a good cook. But still, I can't mess up this turkey!

So now for my Whipper update. Right up I'm laughing my butt off at her because she's on the couch with Danielle and she's trying to chase Danielle's feet. She has this fascination with licking feet. It's pretty gross but she goes insane if you don't let her do it.
She's a good girl. And I've finally figured out how to curb her growling habit. We have developed a naughty blanket. Yup, when she growls she won't stop if you say NO or STOP or BAD.
You have to say...."Whipper you are going to go on your blanket, Bad growling. And she shuts up immediately.
She doesn't like the naughty blanket because it is located on the floor, off to the side of the couches. This means she isn't right up next to you, cuddling on the couch. And she is very very content cuddling with you on the couch. She doesn't like to be segregated. So she stops growling.
How smart am I?

Anyway, I will leave you with some pictures of Whipper...looking very "whippet-like."
Also there is a picture of all the free drugs and other stuff I got at the Career Fair...for mom. I told her I'd show it to her.

Back to the books!!! Phys. Pharm, here I come.....bleh.....