Friday, June 30, 2006

I GOT IN!!!!

Just as the title says, I GOT IN!!!
That's right! I am officially a Pharmacy student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. My first pick TOO!!!! Now I don't have to move!!! YAY!

I start this FIRST semester as a Pharmacy student!!!! woooooww!!!! ooooohohhhh!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

I've never been so excited. They only accept 40 students PER YEAR!!!!
I'm one of out forty!!! I'm ONE OF OUT FORTY, BABY! yeahhh!!! ahhhH!!!!!
I'm officially the REAAAAAAAAAAAAL "PharmacyChick"!
Ok I'm fine, really...just a little over excited. Yes... time to breathe......

So this is where I will be going to school. I will be taking classes in the Health Science Centre, which is one of our main hospitals here in St. John's. Nursing students and Med Students also take their classes here. It's pretty neat if you ask me!

Orientation will be held on September 5th, 2006. And during my first few weeks of classes I have a lot to look forward to. I will get all kinds of FREE DRUGS!!! That's right, I'll never have to buy another bottle of multi-vitamins, Advil, or Cold medication again! And all these Pharmacy companies will try to snag me to sign contracts with them! And I'll get "professional student" rates, and all kinds of other perks. Not to mention the job opportunities that will await me after I finish.

So anyway, I guess genetic research is out. This means that you men are spared yet again. Well, at least for a little while. hahah. Maybe I'll just create a drug which naturally castrates you all. Well, not all. Just the ninety percentile asshole-ish ones. maawahhahahahah!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Y Chromosome

Yah I cannot seem to understand what it is about these creatures that make them so inconsiderate, disrespectful and faultless.
So if I don't get into Pharmacy, I think I will pursue a career in Genetic Research...particularly the Y chromosome.

Why you ask? Well, let me tell you!!!

Men suck. Yah, that's right. They suck. As my wise cousin stated recently, "90% of guys are jerks". And he is absolutely right!!!! That only leaves 10% of the male human race who are half decent...then you have to find someone who shares similar interests, who you find attractive, etc etc.
I mean, probability is just not on our side, ladies!!!

Many women claim that you just can't live without men. Well, I disagree.

Think about it...back in the day, a female was forced to follow suit under the diction of a man for all of her life. She had to live under HIS wishes and put her own desires, dreams, and needs aside because she literally had NO rights. She was brainwashed to think that she HAD to depend on a man. And with all that, man successfully made a society which forced women into accepting this stupid, god forsaken idea. However, the times have, haven't they?

We now live in more egalitiarian-focused society where women are actually gaining equal rights. Of course, we still aren't 100% yet... but we are getting there.

Essentially, we have the potential to make a matrilineal society where WOMEN finally rule over men.

Think about it. If looking at the human race, it's main suppport (as in supporting it's existence) is through women. We have no option other than to impregnate a woman in order to give birth to another human being, and thus procreate. Therefore, females are essential for it's survival.

HOWEVER, with the technology these days, we don't need men. We already have sperm banks, we already have mastered "in vitro" in the female womb...I mean, REALLY! What do we need men for?

Don't say sex, because if you haven't stopped by the local sex store lately, you have NO idea what you are truly missing. You know how women always complain that men orgasm EVERY time and we don't? (this is, of course, in reference to actual intercourse between a male and a female).

Well think could orgasm EVERY time too, with the proper machinery. You do NOT need a real penis to fail you time and time again. NOT anymore!!!!

So now you are wondering...what the heck does genetic research have to do with all this? Well...

I would try and discover the genetic link between males (i.e. the Y chromosome) and the male asshole-ish, self-centered behavior that seems to be engrained in the 90% men. This would be easy to compare since we still technically have 10% who do not suffer from the issue, so controls in the experiment would be made a little more simple.

My reasoning? It took a man to feel the need to control women for centuries. They obviously have something motivating this kind of behavior since the day of dawn. This motivation has now finally come to the surface.

NOW, if I could find the gene and PROVE scientifically that men are a genetic threat to the long term survival of the human race, we would have a better chance at wiping the 90% out justly and lawfully. Of course, the others would be spared and they would be the only ones allowed to procreate, thus wiping out the asshole gene for good.

More on this later...

Darwin would be proud.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Biggest Failure Beats The Hell Out Of Never Trying

Ok so,

Here I am, a current student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Yes, even in the summer. This is my third consecutive summer of full time courses, not including the semesters in-between. Crazy, you may think? Well, yes and no but I've always believed that the early bird catches the worm.
I've always believed that you are in control of your own destiny. I don't believe in luck, I believe in making it happen. And this has been my philosophy since my experience began at University.
I've been working for the past couple of years obtaining all the pre-requisites I need in order to apply to several Pharmacy Schools across Canada. This is my dream. This is my passion. This is HOPEFULLY my future career.
Along the way there have been many mishaps. Mistakes made by myself as well as unfortunate circumstances which have certainly influenced my performance at school. But at the end of the day, I know I've tried my damnedness. I've worked hard to be greater than great and to get exceptional grades - not just good ones. So far it has paid off.
I've already attended Dalhousie University (1/190 out of over 600 applications) and Memorial University (1/96, with over 300 applications) for Pharmacy interviews for Fall 2006 admission.
I've also written all my tests/exams for the other universities I have applied to.
Even these accomplishments are something I am proud of and I can't help but brag...regardless of the ultimate outcome.

Now it's just a waiting game.

Many people have said to me how impossible it is to gain acceptance into Pharmacy. But I have to think...well SOMEBODY's gonna get in every year right?!??!
Many think I am crazy for taking on so many challenging, academic-based courses, (with the exception of this semester) and putting myself through hell each semester trying to make the top grades. But I say, well SOMEBODY's gotta get the top grades, right?!???!
Yeah, very optimistic and very "ambitious" of me. However, if I didn't think it was possible then why would I try?

But the truth is, grades are simply not enough.
In the end, all that matters is how you sell yourself. How much you can brag without egotism about all the things you do to help the community, individuals, exceptional work performances, etc.
All you can do is try to make a board of judges laugh and cry in the same sitting.
All you can do is try your hardest to ensure that you stand out - personality, smile, and all.
All you can do is cross your fingers and hope to hell that you get in.
So here I am after years of believing that nothing is about luck, but yet I can't help but wish on a star and pray every night with the complete humble intention of getting a shot at my dream.

And the biggest failure? I may not get in. I may have to wait another year to apply again. I might spend years upon years applying to something I dream about every night. But I know I won't give up trying.
That little childhood rhyme always plays in my head...
"If at first you don't succeed, try try try again."

So what's the worst part of this whole experience? Waiting!
Whoever said "What you don't know can't hurt you" is a complete and utter moron. Because for myself, not knowing is the WORST feeling in the world.

I have to contend with my circumstance. I have to wait...and wait...and wait...
What will the future hold?
Stay tuned to find out.